Monday, February 21, 2011

Myasthenia Gravis Is Like Guillain-barre Syndrome

dislodge the curtains from Libya ... hopefully not the plant back to Villa Borghese

Where is Gaddafi??

And his tent??

According to the latest news is already in Venezuela, but now I ask myself one question: "Who knows if they hundred women were waiting anxiously to hear his sermons, even now dethroned?? .

The wind of freedom blows on Libyan land, where a bloody crackdown on citizens is the last act of a forty-year dictatorship of blood ......
Today the whole Arab world is in turmoil, governments and the pseudo-monarchies are collapsing under the pressure of the people are tired of corruption and sopprusi, this is obviously a sign that the world is changing, is evolving into something again for various reasons terrorizing the West, and destabilizes the international contexts.
Now pur onestamente ammetto che mille dubbi attanagliano la mia mente, come l'idea che questi fermenti siano guidati da mani occulte pronte ad arraffare tutto, infatti destabilizzare ha sempre ripercussioni Politiche ed Economiche, ma una certezza esiste per l'Europa e tutto l'occidente: ora si ha una grande occasione, quella di esportare un bene di immenso Valore, la DEMOCRAZIA .
Occorre intervenire con tutte le politiche possibili, essere un faro di luce e speranza per questi popoli, e così al tempo stesso rompere il giocattolo per gli eventuali manovratori occulti, non bisogna farsi trovare impreparati o divisi in uno scenario simile what we are living today ....

A thought appeal to all those who, to rid the game of oppression, have given their lives, they have donated for a dream ..... a dream called FREEDOM'!!!!


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