This is an intervention of "Eye Microsurgery", which is used during a surgical microscope to magnify greatly the details of the eye. PATIENT

The operation involves the removal of the cloudy lens and the introduction, in place of an intraocular lens.



artificial lens FOLDING IN THE DOG:

Wrapped can 'happen that after you create the capsulorhexis tear that prevent the housing of artificial lens in this case to avoid the consequences and' better not to implant the artificial lens
The intervention does not require hospitalization, but is done in most cases on an outpatient basis. Is then made a small incision in the eye, 3.2 mm through which you enter the tiny probe that fragments and aspirates the cloudy lens. After the fragmentation of the mass removal is performed by the apparatus remaining
cortical I / A (infusion / aspiration)

The back of the lens capsule, "posterior capsule, is left in its natural location. A plastic intraocular lens is then implanted in the eye and leaning on the capsule to replace the opaque natural lens that has just been removed ..
Before operating, you must ensure that the patient's health conditions are good. must be performed a thorough clinical examination, blood count
control and a complete biochemical profile. In diabetic dogs, in addition, blood glucose
must be well regulated and stable before surgery.
If the fundus is not 'visible opacity' of the lens you must run un'elettroretinografia (ERG) to evaluate the retinal function and an ultrasound exam to check for a secondment to the retina
There are many potential post-operative problems, whatever the method used
surgery. These are the possible complications hyphema, uveitis, glaucoma, endothelial damage, the capsular opacity and retinal detachments, of course, what makes the difference and 'the experience and expertise and equipment with which they work
Often in the veterinary visit will lead to patients with very advanced cataracts and a very thickened anterior capsule these modificazioni cosi avanzate del cristallino allungano spesso i tempi di facoemulsificazione con non pochi danni all’endotelio corneale in questi casi alcuni Chirurghi continuano ad adoperare la tecnica extracapsulare senza faco per evitare il surriscaldamento da ultrasuoni e la sua durata di applicazione A tal riguardo va detto che in campo veterinario la capsula anteriore e piu’ spessa che nell’uomo mentre quella posteriore e’ piu’ sottile rispetto all’uomo il che rende l’intervento piu’ complicato con un maggior rischio di ledere la capsula posteriore con fuoriuscita del vitreo .
Allorche' per problemi intraoperatori non e’ possibile impiantare il cristallino artificiale il cane conserva una visione con Iperopia focusing the image behind the retina Animals aphakic (no lens) have trouble seeing small objects placed near them but still manage to orient themselves and maintain a certain distance vision, with time there is a certain adaptation that improves quality 'of life
DR Alessandra Proto: Eye examinations IN THE DOG AND CAT
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