Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mahle Pistons Ford Focus

Japan stops whaling, a Victory Environmentalist ....

The Japanese whaling stop at the moment their "uncivilized" whaling .....

Ongoing actions and interference by the Sea Shepherd activists have forced Japan to make that decision.

Yet there is an international moratorium dated 1986, prohibiting the hunting of whales, how can the rising sun around it??
The answer is as simple and amazing at the same time: ''hunting''for scientific .... And what are these scientific purposes?? All think of some miraculous protein, and no, the much-publicized research is: to assess the impact of whales on the fishing!
And this is scientific research??
Fortunately, some more civilized countries are doing their part (taken from an article "In the same period of 2010, however, the target was only reached 506 unità, a causa di difficoltà nelle attività anche per gli scontri diplomatici nati con Australia e Nuova Zelanda. Canberra, in particolare, ha alzato il livello dello scontro con la presentazione della denuncia contro il Giappone al tribunale mondiale dell'Aia per fermare la caccia nell' Antartico".

Speriamo tutti insieme che questo sia il primo passo per la TOTALE abolizione della caccia alle balene, affinchè questi meravigliosi animali possano continuare a nuotare liberi nei nostri mari......


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