Monday, February 28, 2011

Benqcable Not Connected

Grandfather Antonio dies to save a child. A flower for Yara

sacrifice his life to save a child.

A life for the good of the community.

A 'heroic action performed by a settantantenne.

Mr. Antonio Mercanzin of about seventy, a former traffic policeman in a town of Vicenza, after he retired, it took their time to help children out of school, trying to be helpful to others.
So while he was making a major civic duty, he was able to see a car approaching at full speed, a fraction of a second, a moment, and instinctively managed to move a child from the direction of the car, thus saving his life, but unfortunately was unable to save himself ....
The car hit him right in turning off his life, the life of a man to be proud of, something to be proud .... While we subbissati
daily with messages of consumerism and selfishness, here in our society live people worthy to be called civilized people, WORTHY OF ITALIAN!!

Dear Grandfather Antonio, you, like many other people, in the shadows and away from the spotlight, only pointed to the television nonsense, do great deeds, you are a HERO OF OUR TIME AND EXAMPLE FOR ALL ....

Thank you for everything you have given in life, including your own ..... life!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pearl Jam Official 2009 Bootleg

Gambirasio, and life imprisonment for the beast who killed you!! Profanity

A cruel reality suddenly hits the hope of finding alive the small Yara. What

beast of a man could have committed such an atrocity??

emotions one after another, hitting the bottom of the soul, TV on the Internet and the news spreads like wildfire: found the body of YARA ....
Hope to be able to revise Yara embrace his parents as a wave breaks on the skin cold, the reality is that Yara was killed! Hello Yara
small, long or desired, hoped that everything ended well and you accompanied by your parents could go to dance, but unfortunately this did not happen .....


Hello Yara small, long or desired, hoped that everything ended well and you accompanied by your parents could go to dance, but unfortunately that did not happen .....

Dear Parents across the ' ITALY is close to you in this sorrowful moment, Yara is now an angel among angels dance enlightened by her smile, and will never forget the eyes of his parents so that they ; have loved ....


Friday, February 25, 2011

Panasonic Toyota Cd Charger Install


Queste salviettine the hands of Kiko contenengono active from the hygienic conponenti emollients to make skin clean and soft.
I find them very good for several reasons:
  • have a fresh scent;
  • Cleanse your hands thoroughly;
  • not leave that sticky feeling that very often other tissues;
  • remain moist without drying out very long;
  • can also be used to clean and disinfect objects;
  • are ideal to carry in your bag when you are out and in all situations where you can not use water.
The package contains 20 pieces and comes in two sizes, this is normal that I have in cui le salviettine misurano 20cm x 20 cm e poi c'è il formato mini.
Il prezzo è di 3,90 euro e la scadenza è di 3 mesi.
Vi scrivo anche l'INCI: aqua, polyglyceryl-4 caprate, alcohol denat, clorexidine digluconate, imidazolidinyl urea, oryza sativa (rice) bran oil, glycerin, parfum (fragrance), phenoxyethanol, mathylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben.

Io preferisco usare le salviette al posto dei gel igienizzanti. I gel hanno certo un potere disinfettante, ma non asportarno lo sporco dalle mani. Le salviette invece, oltre ad igienizzare, hanno un' efficace azione pulente.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Using Usb Flash Drive Xbox 360 Save Games


essential This oil from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia or tea tree has many uses.
Due to its antibacterial and healing, is one of the possible uses in the treatment of mild forms of acne.
Fortunately I do not suffer from this problem, but inevitably the pimples pop up (maledetti!).
Like all essential oils, including tea tree should be used undiluted, but in this case you can use concentrated. E ' sufficiente prelevarne una piccolissima quantità con la punta di un cotton fiocc e applicarlo direttamente sul brufoletto. Io lo uso dopo aver messo la mia abituale crema per il viso. Viene assorbito dalla pelle in pochi secondi e va ad agire decongestionando la zona. Se lo si applica la sera prima di andare a dormire, al mattino si possono vedere già i risultati! In genere per i piccoli brufoletti basta una sola applicazione, per quelli un po’ più bastardini saranno necessarie più applicazioni ma vi assicuro che, già dopo la prima, noterete una diminuzione del gonfiore e dell’ arrossamento.
Non bisogna però esagerare con le applicazioni in quanto il Tea Tree tende a seccare la pelle.

Per imperfezioni diffuse sul viso è possibile anche mescolarlo alla crema idratante.
Occorre prelevare la quantità che di solito si usa per l’intero viso, aggiungere 1 goccina di Tea Tree, emulsionare bene e poi mettere la crema come al solito evitando la zona del contorno occhi (se viene a contatto con le mucose dell'occhio brucicchia).
Io però non esagererei con questa procedura, per non rischiare di seccare troppo la pelle. Sicuramente io non lo farei tutti i giorni, magari una o due volte la settimana. Dipende dalla situazione in cui ci and it is still important to see how your skin reacts.

Just the other day I found two more interesting uses of Tea Tree
  2. when the cocoa butter is not enough to protect the lips from freezing , oil rubbed on the lips in the morning creates an insulating barrier against the cold;
  4. if the nails are brittle and flaked the applications of a pair of times a day (forbidden polish at least one month) should improve the situation.
I will try to use it in these ways to see if it actually works.
If you like let me know if you use it and how you too.
The essential oil of Tea Tree can be found in herbal medicine, costs about € 9 and the little bottle contains 10 ml.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Baptismal Movie Maker Sample

Italian: in 2009 they wanted to grant an honorary degree to Gaddafi Gaddafi

In the now distant 2009, the Council of the Faculty 'of Law, University' of Sassari, had the courage to approve the formal request of the Dean, JOHN LOBRA to confer the honorary degree to Mr. Gaddafi ....

At this point I'm not surprised that somewhere, hidden somewhere, there was a proposal to THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE TO HITLER!

Incredible as obscene, but never as the motivations that led to the approval of the proposal:
"The conferiremento of honorary degree to President Gaddafi by a faculty 'which is undoubtedly in a different context than Islam contributes to a process already' being dialogue and mutual understanding between giuidici different systems but converging in the Mediterranean. "
Dialogue and knowledge?? Fine words, but the wrong person, the same hour BOMB unarmed citizens who protest and demonstrate for their freedom!
According to some sources, the dead are now thousands, and in this context, including shootings and bombings, there is only one word to describe everything GENOCIDE .
Hidden like a worm in the apple continues to launch THREATS AGAINST HIS PEOPLE , while much of Europe thinks of the oil, gas and economic investments ....


Monday, February 21, 2011

Myasthenia Gravis Is Like Guillain-barre Syndrome

dislodge the curtains from Libya ... hopefully not the plant back to Villa Borghese

Where is Gaddafi??

And his tent??

According to the latest news is already in Venezuela, but now I ask myself one question: "Who knows if they hundred women were waiting anxiously to hear his sermons, even now dethroned?? .

The wind of freedom blows on Libyan land, where a bloody crackdown on citizens is the last act of a forty-year dictatorship of blood ......
Today the whole Arab world is in turmoil, governments and the pseudo-monarchies are collapsing under the pressure of the people are tired of corruption and sopprusi, this is obviously a sign that the world is changing, is evolving into something again for various reasons terrorizing the West, and destabilizes the international contexts.
Now pur onestamente ammetto che mille dubbi attanagliano la mia mente, come l'idea che questi fermenti siano guidati da mani occulte pronte ad arraffare tutto, infatti destabilizzare ha sempre ripercussioni Politiche ed Economiche, ma una certezza esiste per l'Europa e tutto l'occidente: ora si ha una grande occasione, quella di esportare un bene di immenso Valore, la DEMOCRAZIA .
Occorre intervenire con tutte le politiche possibili, essere un faro di luce e speranza per questi popoli, e così al tempo stesso rompere il giocattolo per gli eventuali manovratori occulti, non bisogna farsi trovare impreparati o divisi in uno scenario simile what we are living today ....

A thought appeal to all those who, to rid the game of oppression, have given their lives, they have donated for a dream ..... a dream called FREEDOM'!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Sounding 100 Watt Stereo Receiver


Why most do not put on the market of cosmetic foundation shade suitable for light skin tones?

I think there are many girls who are placed this question.
In some cases, there are bright colors but for some reason are not sold in Italy!
I mean, the "mozzarella" We are also here, not all have a Mediterranean complexion.
The Mac is perhaps the only one that has a very wide range of foundation (with its pink or yellow undertones) are also suitable for light skin and if you have the chance to go shop probably be able to find the foundation and tone that's right for you.
However, if you Mac is not on hand to see the different colors and funds, or funds you do not like Mac and can not to find a foundation light enough for you, the solution is to create you a customized color! How? Using a white foundation. The white in fact can be used to lighten any color.

The Mac Pro Hd Performance airbrush makeup, as the name implies, is a foundation for make-up done with the airbrush , but obviously I need to have an airbrush for the uses to which they must do in this case. It exists in many colors including the "pure white".
Essendo un fondotinta bianco, potete ordinarlo comodamente per telefono nei negozi Mac pro di Milano o Roma senza bisogno di vederlo dal vivo.

L’utilizzo è molto semplice.
All’inizio si tratta di fare delle prove per capire di quanto va schiarito il fondotinta liquido che abbiamo.
Successivamente per evitare di dover mescolare i due colori ogni volta che ci si trucca basta procurarsi un flacone adatto, possibilmente con erogatore (tenete da parte quello di un fondotinta terminato o di una crema!) e utilizzatelo per miscelare una certa quantità dei due fondotinta.
Non c’è need to precisely calculate the dose, I confess that I rather go to the eye:
  • fill my foundation with about half the bottle,
  • add a bit 'of the white (few drops),
  • acted well,
  • control the color on the face,
  • possibly add another white
so on until you reach the color that satisfies me.
And so I have the foundation that I like, but with a custom color on me!
In the pictures below you can see the result obtained with the natural beige foundation Revlon Colorstay 220. I hope you feel the difference between the bottom of normal and cleared.

from left to right: bottom Revlon brightened, white, natural beige background Revlon

from left to right: bottom Revlon brightened, white, natural beige background Revlon

The Performance Pro HD is a foundation biphasic (oddly enough) in the sense that if you leave them for a few hours you will see that it will form two phases. No fear, just shake well before using. The finish of this foundation is opaque so it is perfect for mixing with a foundation that give the matt effect.

the two phases of performance HD Pro airbrush makeup

Even Face & Body in the line of Mac there is a very light shade, almost white, which can be used for the same purpose. The performance difference with the Pro HD is the finish, Face & Body in fact has a lighter finish and bright.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beginning Bumping Drills


few days ago I was in Milan and went to Mac in Via Torino (must see!) With the intention to pick up some refills for my palette of eye shadows.
just entered the shop my eye fell on Peacocky collection, which consists of the Mega Metal eyeshadow and Kissable lipcolour.
To be honest I had not planned purchases of this collection since I was almost certain that he had been very little, or nothing! Instead, they were all still available Mega Metal eyeshadow, except Dalliance, and some Kissable lipcolour. All
spoke so well of the quality of this collection, having the opportunity, I thought it was worth taking a little bit.
As for Kissable lipcolour I would like to get one but the light colors I liked were sold out, so after giving a look at the shadows, I decided to take two:
  • Prance which is a pink-mauve pale and pearly
  • Centre stage is a beautiful and deep chocolate brown
    Metal Mega Mac eyeshadow Prance and Centre Stage

    Mac Mega Metal eyeshadow Prance and Centre Stage
    Metal Mega Mac eyeshadow swatches Prance and Centre Stage
    Mac Mega Metal Centre Stage and Prance eyeshadow swatches

    These eyeshadows in my opinion does not have flaws. The texture is fabulous, soft to the touch, the color is excellent and will blend very well.

    The size of the pods of these shadows is much larger (3.4 g) than that of other Mac eyeshadows (1.5 grams) and the cost is € 22.00.

    Comparison Mega Metal eyeshadow e ombretto normale

    Quando acquisto da Mac chiedo sempre uno o due campioncini. Questa volta ho preso un campione di pigment “Naked” che è mooooolto carino.

    Campioncino Mac pigment Naked
    luce naturale

    Mac pigment Naked swatch
    luce naturale

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mahle Pistons Ford Focus

Japan stops whaling, a Victory Environmentalist ....

The Japanese whaling stop at the moment their "uncivilized" whaling .....

Ongoing actions and interference by the Sea Shepherd activists have forced Japan to make that decision.

Yet there is an international moratorium dated 1986, prohibiting the hunting of whales, how can the rising sun around it??
The answer is as simple and amazing at the same time: ''hunting''for scientific .... And what are these scientific purposes?? All think of some miraculous protein, and no, the much-publicized research is: to assess the impact of whales on the fishing!
And this is scientific research??
Fortunately, some more civilized countries are doing their part (taken from an article "In the same period of 2010, however, the target was only reached 506 unità, a causa di difficoltà nelle attività anche per gli scontri diplomatici nati con Australia e Nuova Zelanda. Canberra, in particolare, ha alzato il livello dello scontro con la presentazione della denuncia contro il Giappone al tribunale mondiale dell'Aia per fermare la caccia nell' Antartico".

Speriamo tutti insieme che questo sia il primo passo per la TOTALE abolizione della caccia alle balene, affinchè questi meravigliosi animali possano continuare a nuotare liberi nei nostri mari......

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Is My Teeth Clear?

Merry Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. Alessia

Un felice Augurio di un buon San Valentino a tutti coloro che nel loro cuore custodiscono l'Amore come una gemma preziosa.

Best wishes to all couples who, every day, staring adversity in the eye and forget problems and just feel the happiness of being able to love one's spouse.

Today marks a very special party whose real purpose is to enhance a feeling as pure Love, which contrasts with the individualism and selfishness that pervades our society today, unfortunately ...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yamaha Golf Carts Verses Ez Go


Da coin ho visto lo stand della Catrice con la collezione Urban Baroque. Per chi non lo sapesse la Catrice viene prodotta dalla Cosnova, la stessa casa produttrice della Essence.
Pertanto Essence e Catrice sono sorelle!
La collezione è composta da smalti, ombretti, rossetti, una cipria illuminante, un pennello da polveri e dei tattoo.
Sono stata principalmente attirata dal pennello; se conoscete o avete il pennellino di Essence (quello con le setole bianche e rosa!) questo di Catrice in pratica è il fratellino maggiore! Morbidissimo e comodamente contenuto in un astuccio di plastica…tutto very nice and the price is 4.99 €.

The second thing I looked at was the illuminating powder but I did not take, as soon as I saw reminded me of Guerlain Les Meteorites I have 01 mythic in color.
The concept that I think not! I made a swatchino effect on the time it seemed very similar.

Thesec particulars of the lipsticks I found cute n ° 01 Marie Antoinette (price € 4.49), a nude fishing incredibly I'm not the effect corpse lips!

For the rest of the collection seemed to me a bit 'too' pallidina "but I think this was the desired effect. Both slices of eye shadow duo that the glazes are all very clear and natural colors.
The tattoo I have not considered their own.

The next collection will be out Floralia to see on the site so that I feel pretty!

Men Dressed In Trench Coat

CATARACT IN THE DOG: Working with phacoemulsification

This is an intervention of "Eye Microsurgery", which is used during a surgical microscope to magnify greatly the details of the eye. PATIENT

The operation involves the removal of the cloudy lens and the introduction, in place of an intraocular lens.



artificial lens FOLDING IN THE DOG:

Wrapped can 'happen that after you create the capsulorhexis tear that prevent the housing of artificial lens in this case to avoid the consequences and' better not to implant the artificial lens
The intervention does not require hospitalization, but is done in most cases on an outpatient basis. Is then made a small incision in the eye, 3.2 mm through which you enter the tiny probe that fragments and aspirates the cloudy lens. After the fragmentation of the mass removal is performed by the apparatus remaining
cortical I / A (infusion / aspiration)

The back of the lens capsule, "posterior capsule, is left in its natural location. A plastic intraocular lens is then implanted in the eye and leaning on the capsule to replace the opaque natural lens that has just been removed ..
Before operating, you must ensure that the patient's health conditions are good. must be performed a thorough clinical examination, blood count
control and a complete biochemical profile. In diabetic dogs, in addition, blood glucose
must be well regulated and stable before surgery.
If the fundus is not 'visible opacity' of the lens you must run un'elettroretinografia (ERG) to evaluate the retinal function and an ultrasound exam to check for a secondment to the retina

There are many potential post-operative problems, whatever the method used
surgery. These are the possible complications hyphema, uveitis, glaucoma, endothelial damage, the capsular opacity and retinal detachments, of course, what makes the difference and 'the experience and expertise and equipment with which they work

Often in the veterinary visit will lead to patients with very advanced cataracts and a very thickened anterior capsule these modificazioni cosi avanzate del cristallino allungano spesso i tempi di facoemulsificazione con non pochi danni all’endotelio corneale in questi casi alcuni Chirurghi continuano ad adoperare la tecnica extracapsulare senza faco per evitare il surriscaldamento da ultrasuoni e la sua durata di applicazione A tal riguardo va detto che in campo veterinario la capsula anteriore e piu’ spessa che nell’uomo mentre quella posteriore e’ piu’ sottile rispetto all’uomo il che rende l’intervento piu’ complicato con un maggior rischio di ledere la capsula posteriore con fuoriuscita del vitreo .
Allorche' per problemi intraoperatori non e’ possibile impiantare il cristallino artificiale il cane conserva una visione con Iperopia focusing the image behind the retina Animals aphakic (no lens) have trouble seeing small objects placed near them but still manage to orient themselves and maintain a certain distance vision, with time there is a certain adaptation that improves quality 'of life

DR Alessandra Proto: Eye examinations IN THE DOG AND CAT

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