Sunday, December 16, 2007

Star Trek Armada 2 For Sale

December, snow and bike will be a little strange ....

This morning, woke up at eight, I look sleepy on the balcony, still undecided whether to keep Natasha company in its output in the woods with a friend of Vairano, this Raymond.

few seconds are enough to convince me to defy the cold temperatures that I am sure I'll find along the way we're going to go, but the clarity of the sky, and the thought of being able to hear the sound of the snow that "crunches" in your tires and cheered me convinced to start preparing.

go down to the garage, between the equipment and peach motorcycle you need to get dressed!

Dainese Pantalone heat, thermal shirt from Diadora running, and then on to follow all that usually use in winter, with additional final Spidi gloves H2out (- 15). decked out with the Michelin Man, I climb into the car and I went toward Cassino.

-2 casserole, cold is felt great, I begin to doubt the choice, considering that my influence on me has skied a couple of days. However, timely arrival at the shop (Bikextreme) I get the kids ready and waiting. BigLuciamo, Simba and Raymond, a friend of Simba Vairano who wants to know our Pineta.

heavy bicycle (on loan waiting for my new 2008 ... Reign
hope ....) and so on towards the church of Cerreto, parking and saddle up at the entrance Colle Cazziglio conveniences in a classic Christmas ...

We take the path in a surreal atmosphere in a silence broken only by my "snort" (they are harnessed so that I can not even move my joints ...) and the noise of the snow under the wheels Bike.

Natalino mumbles rumbling (!) Raymond wheel and Luciano and I follow. stops are wasted, with the excuse of the photos, unless someone fool announced .....

Big Luciano ....

on arrival at Colle Cazziglio stop tactic to decide where to sfrantumarsi (Hard and slippery ..... brrrr) photos, media control, because you know how it works, between professionals and the details are all

way up to the High Valletta ...... ...

We come out in the absolute space of the old tank, with yet another photo of ritual, a little refreshed general (urine, water, cleaning cleats and shoes) and again in the direction of Valletta.

finally arrived at the entrance of the valley, preparing to face the long-awaited descent to the parking machines. We protect ourselves and then recommend how the situation down, prudent for the fund but decided and happy.
The entrance to Valletta, strangely virgin passages (the photographer, myself, the fund has caplestato first snow ....) invites us, and us, happy as children we throw inside enjoying the pleasure of the descent.

Next, we take the Area51 and then a section of the RIP, which brings us back to the machines. Obviously the photos are missing here, but trust me, the snow-covered pine forest is a sight not to be missed, especially in areas where humans have not yet put down his foot!

E 'was a wonderful experience that made me revive a strong desire to return to the limestone slopes, as soon as possible.

the next guys!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Difference Between Af And Pregnancy

... they have tits or wheels it makes no difference: they will give you problems!

If we reflect a bit about this expression, it is easy to smile when we find ourselves on it, but not too deeply, not too deep within us, we know that this is so, then ... they have tits or wheels it makes no difference: they will give you problems!

of us, at least, has not been found in a condition in which an expression such as "all are equal", or "usual, you leave at the time of greatest need" makes its way slowly, and then flows out violence in all its stark evidence from our lips, clamped in a healthy expression of disgust?

Well, usually the insult is directed toward those people and things that have occupied in our lives (at least so far), a clear and definite place, a place of absolute importance, a place that, after the symbolic attributed to the mother, is untouchable by all, unreachable by friends and family, lovingly preserved, cuddled up in disgust.

You, you've always given the best of yourself, always putting their needs first, a wash delicate in all its parts, a present every now and not to disfigure it, beautiful walks in nature, or, perched in the majestic trees, to watch the sunset with its many nuances, meetings with friends, activity holiday, without a moment's rest.

I mean, you put it all there, do everything possible to not only bring out a moan, you're always ready to answer them ...... then, then suddenly, just when you think you're the happiest man of the earth ..... sbadabumm , you get the blow, unexpected, violent, and you get your ass on the floor, left foot as the last of the losers, you look around and not see anyone who can explain why this sudden abandonment, find only the faces of your friends you look, shaking his head, like so many Torquemada your waiting for a confession, and you will feel it in your brain, you hear their voices pronounce sibilants those damn four little words, you feel that buzz incessantly: we tell it to you .......... you never wanted to hear.

Ed and I start to go over them slowly in your mind recent events, I see them again, all as a movie in slow motion trying to find out how and where you were wrong.

must have been when you did not believe the chain should be replaced or repaired when you reassembled the camera 16 times, or will have been when, despite his warnings, you're sneaking out to make you miss the tour with friends, or when You said you never, ever would have paid him all that beauty that intervention sue amiche hanno fatto, e che ha loro cambiato la vita, perchè a te, lei, piaceva così ( in effetti gli sarebbe proprio servito quell'intervento, ma 5,000 euro onestamente sono una bella cifra, sai cosa ci puoi comprare....).

Bho, valle a capire.

Di una cosa però sono sicuro, loro, sanno già come andrà a finire, sanno già tutto in anticipo. Ti danno un pò di contentini giorno per giorno, ti fanno credere di essere tu quello che domina, ti portano su alle stelle, e ti fanno poi rotolare a valle come un sacco di niente, insomma giocano, giocano e si divertono.

Ma una cosa non sanno, non sanno che in fondo, è proprio quello che noi vogliamo, giocare, giocare più a lungo possibile, giocare per sentirsi vivi, per sentirsi veri, e se questo vuol dire cambiar giocatori, ben venga, anzi, sai che noia sarebbe altrimenti!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Amsterdam Interactive Tram Map

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reason For Missing My Period

Saturday, the beauty of being in the company ......

Grandpa them

Hello dear readers (no comment for now, but sooner or later someone will do ...:)) located in later than usual in my time, but the work these days it takes me a while.

Last Saturday, the group is usually reinforced by two new entries, and Anthony Severino, two wild brothers, lovers of hiking in Mtb, and asparagus!
Appointment usual Bikextreme front of the store, so I usually pick the Anthem loan, pending the arrival of my Reign in version 2008:):)

Hurry various practices, quick consultation to decide the destination of the excursion with his friend Simba, Coyote and Big Luciano Ciociaro to act as a "nag" inviting us to a day of pine forest with an approach a little more "free", and only I know how much it cost me dovergli say no, but it's true, now Put the exit of the Sabbath is a must, only extraordinary events might call into question!. Move away the bewitching sirens, it was decided to retrace the steps of last Saturday, but with goal of reaching the entrance of the pine forest just before the brow Vallerotonda - Acquafondata to 1000 meters above sea level.

said than done, to start the gps 9.10, duration of the 2.58 h, 45.63 km distance traveled, average speed 15.3 km h, peak 59.7 km / h, these were the main detected , and below you can examine the trace superimposed Google ....

The group starts close to St. Elijah, to take the Pecorile, dirt path that winds among olive trees and ... olive trees, which allows us after a sweat connect to the paved road that will allow us to reach after a couple of miles the entrance to the variant Amerigo, another beautiful trail that winds within the Pinewood Vallerotonda, allowing entry at the wooden table.

Li arrived, tired but satisfied, the group split, to allow those who suffer from back to approach the way home.

Severino, Antonio and Peter, then start verso Cassino, percorrendo un paio di bei sentieri ( invidia!!) come Area 51 e i saliscendi, mentr io Giovanni e Giuseppe, ripartiamo alla volta delle Serre.

Ragzzi devo dire che è stata dura, ma nessuno aveva voglia di mancare l'obiettivo, e in silenzio, testa bassa, Giovanni in testa a tirare il gruppo pin piano si è passati davanti all'ingrsso del Taglione, terza variante, seconda e finalmente su fino all'ingresso della prima ( li ho potuto apprezzare i lavori fatti da Orko e Coco69 ) e poi asfalto...

Che aggiungere, grazie veramente ai ragazzi per la compagnia, e per non rinunciare mai, nonostante a volte il tempo non ci aiuti.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Where Do I Go To See A Dermatologist?

Giant Reign, my new chariot!

Archived on Demo Day, everything is resuming its normal course, then that's normal is not that much, since I'm about to have my new MTB.

the presentation of the new 2008 models, I could see and touch some of the new vehicles presented by Giant, in particular, staining and preparation of the Reign of the only version officially imported into Italy, called the Reign 1 (which identifies the color and construction with the same frame) that is, this ...

This staining very good live, I left a little perplexed with regard to sensitivity, but I was quickly reassured by the representative of Italy present at Giant Demo Day, on the strength thereof.
The bike is very well fitted with high quality components and good. I, being a damn recommended perhaps be able to have the same chassis, silver in color, son of the Reign 2 version with less preparation, but from the same frame.

As I write, are in fact waiting for me Little Brother posts opearazioni the beginning of the assembly-setting of the bike, which I be present.

The only variation from the construction, will be the front fork, which will replace, not for nothing, as is standard equipped with a beautiful Fox RL 140, but only because I have my a Pike 140 air that I "forward".

Well, now I leave you, but I'll keep you updated on the progress of the work.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pinky's Firstpor Nmovie

Bikextreme Demo Day at Cassino

gloomy and cold day today in Cassino. Despite predictions that comforts me a bit, the alarm this morning was marked by a gray sky, full of bad intentions. My first thoughts went to our friends at Bikextreme, long committed to the organization of the Demo Day on the presentation of new models Giant, Sintesy, Scott, and others, and deserving of a day a little brighter. However, breakfast is ready in minutes, me and my heir, we come to the place of the meeting.

Just arrived, he immediately noticed the different stands, well organized and full of bikes, and the department with the test bike ready for testing, set up with the new line Manitou forks.

this Beautiful people, friends of every day, and pistino, well done, ready to accommodate fans of the genre (as well as those with "legs" in rule;))

(between few days will be really fun to shoot here, guaranteed !!!!!)

Inside the store, I found in the company of the legendary Andrea Natalino (Coyote_Manitou & Simba) aims to explain and re-explain to those present how they work and how to intervene on some models of Manitou forks. With the professionalism that distinguishes them, they replied "serious" to the various questions posed to them.

Inside the store, the family is busy Alfano to complete to meet the demands of customers, deploying the right and miss the good delicacies prepared by mother Alfano, and anticipation of an excellent and plentiful lunch offered to those present.

That is, a different day, in the company of beautiful people, and friends of all time (Marionoi2, BigLuciano, Paolopetrus, Alfablack, Roberto, Coyote Ciociaro, OrkoDh, Louis, Roberto2, Skeleton, Homeone and others who can not remember now) perfectly organized by Lorenzo and Antonio , hospitable and always smiling.

Obviously there have been performances of the "big" in the various specialties. In that relating to: "Trovane uno più brutto di me" vince a punteggio pieno L'Orkone Michele

In quella dedicata ai " Il pistino, io? Scherzi? Me lo faccio 20 volte di fila...."

dichiaro vincitore assoluto lui, il più tosto dei raider.....Homeone, distrutto all'inizio del secondo dosso.........

Bene, spero non si sia offeso nessuno, e se anche fosse, sono affari loro.

Greetings to all and the next.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pokemon Ruby Vbacheats

The first snow in Cassino

The first snow is our documented !!!!! well, now we have! Memorable day, almost summer temperatures (10 ° departure, arrival at 5 ° back I think the max 2-3 ...), company tough and determined as usual (great Peter !!!)!! departure from the usual place, S'Elia and Pecorile, Cerreto and then on to the variant "Amerigo" to come out well in the pine wood table. We leave to the greenhouses, and marvel at the entrance of the second variant .... SNOW, spettacolo, foto di rito, e ritorno giù, ripercorrendo la variante al contrario, arrivo a Cassino, il tempo di "scongelare" alcune estremità ( gli amici della prostata non si eccitino....), e ritorno a casina soddisfattissimo.

Che dire, bene così.