Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reason For Missing My Period

Saturday, the beauty of being in the company ......

Grandpa them

Hello dear readers (no comment for now, but sooner or later someone will do ...:)) located in later than usual in my time, but the work these days it takes me a while.

Last Saturday, the group is usually reinforced by two new entries, and Anthony Severino, two wild brothers, lovers of hiking in Mtb, and asparagus!
Appointment usual Bikextreme front of the store, so I usually pick the Anthem loan, pending the arrival of my Reign in version 2008:):)

Hurry various practices, quick consultation to decide the destination of the excursion with his friend Simba, Coyote and Big Luciano Ciociaro to act as a "nag" inviting us to a day of pine forest with an approach a little more "free", and only I know how much it cost me dovergli say no, but it's true, now Put the exit of the Sabbath is a must, only extraordinary events might call into question!. Move away the bewitching sirens, it was decided to retrace the steps of last Saturday, but with goal of reaching the entrance of the pine forest just before the brow Vallerotonda - Acquafondata to 1000 meters above sea level.

said than done, to start the gps 9.10, duration of the 2.58 h, 45.63 km distance traveled, average speed 15.3 km h, peak 59.7 km / h, these were the main detected , and below you can examine the trace superimposed Google ....

The group starts close to St. Elijah, to take the Pecorile, dirt path that winds among olive trees and ... olive trees, which allows us after a sweat connect to the paved road that will allow us to reach after a couple of miles the entrance to the variant Amerigo, another beautiful trail that winds within the Pinewood Vallerotonda, allowing entry at the wooden table.

Li arrived, tired but satisfied, the group split, to allow those who suffer from back to approach the way home.

Severino, Antonio and Peter, then start verso Cassino, percorrendo un paio di bei sentieri ( invidia!!) come Area 51 e i saliscendi, mentr io Giovanni e Giuseppe, ripartiamo alla volta delle Serre.

Ragzzi devo dire che è stata dura, ma nessuno aveva voglia di mancare l'obiettivo, e in silenzio, testa bassa, Giovanni in testa a tirare il gruppo pin piano si è passati davanti all'ingrsso del Taglione, terza variante, seconda e finalmente su fino all'ingresso della prima ( li ho potuto apprezzare i lavori fatti da Orko e Coco69 ) e poi asfalto...

Che aggiungere, grazie veramente ai ragazzi per la compagnia, e per non rinunciare mai, nonostante a volte il tempo non ci aiuti.



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