Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pokemon Ruby Vbacheats

The first snow in Cassino

The first snow is our documented !!!!! well, now we have! Memorable day, almost summer temperatures (10 ° departure, arrival at 5 ° back I think the max 2-3 ...), company tough and determined as usual (great Peter !!!)!! departure from the usual place, S'Elia and Pecorile, Cerreto and then on to the variant "Amerigo" to come out well in the pine wood table. We leave to the greenhouses, and marvel at the entrance of the second variant .... SNOW, spettacolo, foto di rito, e ritorno giù, ripercorrendo la variante al contrario, arrivo a Cassino, il tempo di "scongelare" alcune estremità ( gli amici della prostata non si eccitino....), e ritorno a casina soddisfattissimo.

Che dire, bene così.


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