Friday, November 12, 2010

What's Under My Bathtub?

Collapse of Pompeii ..... Shame on all Italian

Pompei World Heritage Site.

Millions of tourists each year come to visit us this marvel.

History and culture together in a wonderful location.

After these three simple introductions, what happened to Pompeii??
The whole world is open-mouthed, not that one of the wonders of the world has collapsed, yet this is the bitter reality, and it is the result of fifty years of neglect, and, above all, Italy indifference.
E 'it possible that Italy, home of culture, has fallen so low??
Now, after the harm is done, the race goes wild in search of the culprit and responsibilities, and so begins the buck .......
Seeking to stop for a moment the bitterness, and, closing his eyes I imagine a hypothetical visit Pompeii:
"I lined up with thousands of tourists are there: English, French, Japanese, Americans, and we Italians, after linguistic misunderstandings we can come and visit this wonder, while foreign tourists take pictures, write notes, and admire the awe of everything, we Italians have we parted, I see a group of young people write on their walls thousands nonsense, others looking for homes where they are portrayed sexual positions to get two good laugh and exchange comments, while others seem to find a nice place to take their picnic, then leave all dirty on the floor, and when someone exaggerates, you hear a beautiful voice "UAGLIO FACENNO YOU ARE?".
So while traveling through the various houses I happen to see badly walls propped up with old rusty pipes and four boards, I see water in some places appantanata, wonder why there is water, and one answers me: "What questions it rained. " Meanwhile guides
semi abusive customers seek Itanglese speaking, there is also the usual souvenir market, and think that people PAY TO ENTER! "

I open my eyes and I understand that the problem is also ours, we are bad tourists, maybe the reception staff is poorly trained, and then not know how to do tourism, we do not accept, we do not know the languages \u200b\u200band structures sono scarse.
E dopo tante riflessioni mi rimane unìunica amarezza:



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