Sunday, November 21, 2010

The History Of The Chef Uniform

Stuff like Don Camillo and Peppone

Quando per amore dei propri ideali si combatteva.

When there was a sense of responsibility.

When there was the mess, but the compromise.

It 'true that we are talking about literary characters created by the creative pen of Guareschi, then transported in TV, and interpreted by the great Fernandel and Gino Cervi, but deep down, who knows how many little villages in Italian politics and social life took place in the same way Brescello.
Without wishing to refer to the political ideals that in those days, the fiery Italian, where the mayor and the priest were the true guardians of the country, fought and argued but in the end you always came to the right solution.
Good Don Camillo, Armato di fucile e fumatore di sigari, chissà  come vedrebbe i pretuncoli di oggi, con abiti talari di lusso, cellulari e agendine, non più curatori di anime, ma manager delle stesse.
Ed il Peppone? Politico del popolo, che, alla festa del suo partito o ai comizi, era li assieme ai suoi uomini a mangiare e bere in compagnia ancora sporco dell'olio della sua Officina, chissà come vedrebbe i Politicanti di oggi, truccati ed eleganti difronte alla trasmissione di Bruno Vespa, che alle proprie feste parlano con i loro elettori, e poi vanno a mangiare da soli al ristorante serviti e riveriti?
Of course times were different, but that nostalgia of those Guys, now it is really difficult to find.
I wonder how they would see all politicians as Berlinguer, De Gasperi and Almirante ??
For years, generations have fought for their ideals and for the good of Italy, there were too many victims, divided for years, but what is today the home of the Communist? the PD? and People's Party? the UDC? and Missino? the FLI? lost in the void homeless and leaders to follow, years of struggle to come to this?
to self-interest of the country (that is, for all). I consider myself

always been a lover of Progress and the Future, but in my heart I regret the times gone by where everything was worth over the use of modern disposable.


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