Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Do You Change A Poa Tasmania

without phacoemulsification extracapsular cataract extraction in dogs.

The traditional method provides for the opening of the eye with a 'recording more' spacious than with phacoemulsification (3.2 mm) opening of the anterior capsule (capsulotomy) allows' out of the lens in whole or in blocks.

Today, with the use of viscoelastic and exhaust intervention provides very good results in expert hands with speed 'performance by reducing the time of anesthesia at little cost. This technique also
and 'indicated in those with cataracts dated hard consistency when working with the phaco (faoemulsificazione) overheat the eye for the time that it takes to crush the core (provide more eye inflammation), it must be said that our patients often come to the attention of the specialist when it advanced cataract and uveitis often accompanied by rupture of the anterior capsule are those cases where the risk of postoperative and 'more, for that matter in these cases the removal of the lens and' essential to prevent the increase in eye pressure (glaucoma ) fact, swelling the lens protrudes into the anterior chamber and goes to block the iridocorneal angle by reducing the flow aqueous humor.
Those health problems can not be subjected to anesthesia, and then intervention surgery should be monitored periodically for uveitis and ocular pressure.
should be noted that if the cataract and 'caught in time in some form through an initial consultation with a specialist, it is possible with the use of eye drops, anti-oxidants to slow its progress. It must be said about that the careless use of cortisone in dermatitis , allergies, autoimmune diseases accelerate the development of cataracts, especially the frequent diabetic cataracts in dogs.


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