The keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is an inflammation of the progressive
cornea and conjunctiva caused by a lack of
aqueous component of tear film
The disease consists of a drying portion 'of varying length in the cornea and conjunctiva.
Drying and 'the result of an anomalous composition of the tear film (the mucous layer) with the consequent dissolution.
The tear film and 'often 0.01 mm and consists of three layers That external 'nature of lipid and is produced by the sebaceous glands on the eyelid edge, is designed to limit evaporation. The middle layer, and' the aqueous fraction, the more 'internal' which is the mucous layer produced by goblet cells intraepithelial conjunctival.
60% of the portion of the aqueous tear film and 'produced by the lacrimal gland located dorsally to the eyeball, and the remaining 40%' produced by the nictitating membrane gland and accessory lacrimal glands.

Causes of KCS in dogs and cats
Can 'be congenital and hereditary
Traumatic injuries and inflammation chronic loading of the lacrimal gland and changes in their innervation can cause an altered tear production, as in the case of the dell'innervazione next to the base of the ear.
should be noted that often changes in skin as in the case of atopic dermatitis with chronic blepharitis you have an alteration of the sebaceous glands which is followed by an altered lipid component that promotes the evaporation of the liquid fraction of these cases as well as film lacrimale.In treat the eye must improve the state of the skin to have a complete recovery. In the cat
KCS occurs more 'rare, affecting mainly cats with big eyes and short nose with premature rupture of the tear film of the central portion of the cornea resulting in mummification of the cornea (corneal sequestration / nigrum / corneal necrosis) in cats and other common cause 'keratoconjunctivitis Herpes virus
The congenital form recognizes an altered innervation of the lacrimal gland and often
' bilateral breeds more affected are: Dachshund, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, West Highland terrier
mucopurulent conjunctivitis in the absence or presence of tearing of hair wet area around the eye The cornea and conjunctiva
lose their luster, opaque appearance
chronic superficial keratitis shows edema and vascular congestion in cats Seizure corneal
Diagnosi i valori del test di Schirmer (STT) sono medio –bassi

Acuta . dissolvimento dello scolo mucopurulento con mucolitici,lavaggio oculare e applicazione di un unguento a base di ciclosporina in associazione a lacrime artificiali.Alcuni casi richiedono la somministrazione per via generale e locale di cortisonici.
L’applicazione topica di ciclosporina (CsA) rappresentava un metodo
efficace per la terapia della malattia. La maggior parte dei
casi di KCS nel cane è probabilmente causata da un’infiammazione
autoimmune della ghiandola lacrimale e si ritiene
che la CsA eserciti un effetto terapeutico inibendo la proliferazione
dei linfociti T-helper
infiltration of the lacrimal gland of the grapes, allowing the regeneration of
gland secretory function and the return.
Pilocarpine orally increases tear production.
In more 'serious you can' take into account the surgery with the parotid duct transposition (PDT) if the production of saliva and 'alterata.Gli drawbacks of this surgery is the formation of calcium deposits sula cornea el' inflammation of the skin of the cheeks to drain mucus.
prolonged treatment often can not get the desired effects because 'you can not cure the underlying disease that is often accompanied by dermatological keratitis to dry, hence the importance of a more 'generalized disease by improving the quality of the sebum and skin hydration of the skin of the eyelids then.
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