Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Is Dog Lip Growth

Luca Sanna, Alpine bearer of peace, killed by a cowardly attack.

Un altro figlio della nostra Italia, è stato ucciso in Afghanistan, da un infiltrato nell'esercito afgano.

Mentre le alte sfere discutono se e come continuare questa " Missione di Pace ", la Alpine family of our fallen into the despair of having lost her beloved husband, son, uncle and cousin.

Italian victims in Afghanistan are now 37, are all guys that are proud to wear the uniform and for the sake of peace were killed and tortured in a faraway land.

natural thought would like to express its condolences to the families of our victims all these, though aware that this closeness is not going to restore their loved ones, but wants to be a simple act not to forget and not be forgotten.

Goodbye dear Luca.


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