Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cheeks Swollen After Tooth Filling

Angels on all fours ..... our animal friends

Amicizia ed Amore sono le uniche cose che i nostri Angeli Custodi a quatto zampe ci chiedono.

Nei momenti difficili sono sempre li, al nostro fianco, per rincuorarci.

La loro unica pretesa? Solo la nostra FELICITA' ! These Angels

for life, are always beside us, ready to fill with Festivities and when we return from work, when we are sick in bed and at any other time of day, THEIR can devote himself entirely to us ....
certainly have an animal involves the duties and sacrifices, such as finding a location for our holiday which accept our true friends, but what they give us no value and price ...
Above all you need to understand that animals are not objects that are in fashion, or toys for our children, who, when no longer needed or have become cumbersome, have be thrown away or abandoned, one of the most vile acts that we can accomplish.
So before you bring into your life one of these diamonds, think good, do your due consideration, but if you accept this challenge, you will be rewarded with a great love for all and asks nothing ....
While until now there has been talk of what our friends give us, unfortunately is now time to shed light on some Bestial ' all human, such as killing for fun and fights between animals, typical of a shame single animal breed: MAN .... So if you know
di tali osceni atti di inciviltà, fate sentire la vostra voce, fate tacere la vostra coscienza e denunciate tutto alle autorità, affinchè questi barbari siano solo un ricordo nelle nostre menti.

La piccola gioia ritratta nella foto si chiama Camilla, e da ben otto anni si occupa e preoccupa della felicità della mia famigliola......... grazie di tutto cara Camilla ....



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