Ho acquistato questo set di pennelli Zoeva some time ago after hearing very positive reviews about it and I must say that I was very happy.
The set includes six brushes for eyes that are sent in a small pink metallic pochette (measures 17x12x1 cm).
I find a good travel set and affordable price, it costs € 16 plus shipping (7.50 €).
I find a good travel set and affordable price, it costs € 16 plus shipping (7.50 €).
went straight to the description Brush:
Eye blender
This brush picevolmente surprised me because it is different from other gradient brushes I have.
Compared to the Mac 224, the bristles are shorter and have a more intimate form. It 'good for the nuances and I liked also to apply and blend concealer because it is very soft.
Above: Mac 224 Below: Zoeva eye blender |
Left : Zoeva eye blender Right: Mac 224 |
's a classic cat's tongue brush to apply eye shadow on the eyelid.
It 's a good brush pen to draw the eye shadow on the lower rim of 'eye, to create the V or external to soften the pencil. I find it much better than the other brush pen that I have, the' SS219 of Sigma, who has lost a bit 'to its original shape and is therefore less precise.
E' un pennello a setole corte per sfumare la matita o per applicare l’ombretto vicino all’attaccatura delle ciglia.
Fine eyeliner
Tra i pennelli da eyeliner che ho questo è quello più fine. I was curious to try it since it has the handle tilted to facilitate the drafting dell'eyeliner and I like it. Allows you to create a very fine line and precise.
Above: Mac 210 Below: Zoeva Fine eyeliner |
Precise shader
It 's a small cat's tongue brush for precision work. I usually use it to apply eye shadow on the lower rim of the eye or in the' inner corner of the eyelid.
brushes in the set are also sold individually. The only difference is that individuals have the handle of the brush size maggiori e sono indicati, oltre che col nome, anche con un numero. Vi indico qui di seguito il numero, il prezzo e il tipo di setole dei pennelli singoli corrispondenti a quelli del set:
eye blender
numero: 225 / prezzo: 4,20 euro / setole: scoiattolo
numero: 232 / prezzo: 4,50 / setole: donnola
number: 230 / price: 3.80 € / bristles: pony
number: 226 / price: 4.20 € / bristles : weasel
end eyeliner
number: 315 / price: 3.20 € / bristles: nylon
precise shader
Number: 235 / price: 3.80 € / bristles: weasel
buying individual brushes are going to spend a little more, but not much.
Together with the set I also bought 2 brushes singles
Soft definer
number: 227
size: 16.3 cm
price: 4.20 €
bristles: Kid
bristles: Kid
E 'a gradient brush. From the photos on the site seemed very similar to the Mac 217, but in fact the definer has soft bristles slightly longer and more open. It 'still very soft and allows you to blur the good eye shadow in the crease.
Above: Mac 217 Below: Zoeva soft definer |
Above: Zoeva soft definer under: Mac 217 |
Eye Stippling
number: 205
size: 16.2 cm
price: 4.20 €
bristles: taklon
bristles: taklon
E 'a small brush duo fiber and should serve to apply and blend cream and liquid products.
He bristles very long, which did not convince me too early.
He bristles very long, which did not convince me too early.
For now the 'I only used to spread the concealer under my eyes and I was not disappointed.
Tutti i pennelli che vi ho mostrato sono ben assemblati, hanno le setole morbide e non hanno perso nemmeno un pelo, anche durante il lavaggio.
Devo dire che anche gli altri pennelli singoli venduti sul sito mi attirano, in particolare il 125 stippling (sono alla ricerca di un duo fibre che non perda peli!), il 228 crease e il 104 buffer.
Al prossimo acquisto Zoeva!
Al prossimo acquisto Zoeva!
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