Sunday, January 30, 2011

Using Xbox As Car Stereo?

a jewel to be proud of - Fundamentals -

Lost in my reading and gone from my thousand gional notes that I happen to write on myriad small piece of paper, almost to envy PIZZINI mafia, there appears a small brochure on our Magna Carta, the ITALIAN CONSTITUTION , this great unknown ......

Everyone knows the formation of his own football team, the tronista, the gieffina, friends and everything, but when you try to speak of the Constitution void warn that advances in the minds, that after several efforts, reminding that Italy is hardly a Repubblica....
Eppure la Costituzione è il fondamento di tutta la nostra società, delle Istituzioni e di cio che DEVE essere tutelato nel nostro Paese.
Pertanto ecco un non certo facile obiettivo, ma per me ambizioso, far conoscere un gioiello tutto Italiano, la nostra Costituzione, simbolo dell'Unità del Paese.
Se avrete del tempo da dedicare all'Italia e a voi stessi semplicemente leggete e pensate su ogniuno di questi articoli, io mi permetterò solamente di sottolineare alcuni passi che, secondo il mio modesto parere, sono i  più incisivi e importanti sulla nostra società

                                                 THE BASIC PRINCIPLES
; ; Article 1:
Italy is a democratic republic founded on work .
The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 2:
The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights , as an individual and social groups in which he expresses his personality, and requires the fulfillment of the duties of mandatory political solidarity, economic and social development.

Article 3:
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country.

Article 4:
The Republic recognizes all citizens the right to work and promotes conditions to fulfill this right .
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.
; ;
                                                             Article 5:
The Republic, one and indivisible , recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements autonomy and decentralization.

Article 6:
The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules.

; ; Article 7:
The State and the Catholic Church are, each in its own, independent and sovereign.
Their relations are regulated by the Lateran Pacts. Changes to the Treaties accepted by both parties do not require the procedure for constitutional amendment

; ; Article 8:
All religious confessions are equally free before the law.
The religious denominations other than Catholic have the right to organize in accordance with its statutes, are not in conflict with the Italian legal system.
Their relations with the State are regulated by law on the basis of agreements with their respective representatives.

Articolo 9:
La Repubblica promuove lo sviluppo della CULTURA e la RICERCA SCIENTIFICA e tecnica.
TUTELA il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione.

L'ordinamento giuridico italiano si conforma alle norme del diritto internazionale generalmente riconosciute.
La condizione giuridica dello straniero è regolata dalla legge in conformità delle norme e dei trattati internazionali.
Lo straniero, AL QUALE SIA IMPEDITO NEL SUO PAESE l'effettivo esercizio delle libertà democratiche garantite dalla Costituzione italiana, ha diritto d'asilo nel territorio della Repubblica secondo le condizioni stabilite dalla legge.
Non è ammessa l'estradizione dello straniero per reati politici.

ITALY rejects war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes allows, on an equal footing with other states, the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice between nations, promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.

The flag of the Republic is the Italian flag: green, white and red , in three vertical bands of equal size.

As you can see, these simple materials of 12 articles dealing with relevant today, such as work, research, relations between church and state, territory protection, etc. .... Take
, indeed we all have what is our Constitution, even if only to be better citizens.

; ; ;

 PS: ehmm, non posso nascondere che, quasi sicuramente, questo post, come del resto i prossimi, saranno i meno letti della storia dei blog.... ma poi in fondo io scrivo per piacere e questo mi basta, se poi altre persone decideranno di esprimere il loro pensiero sarò felice di  essere in buona compagnia.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Berkeley Supplemental Questionnaire

buy HOT CLOTH ESSENCE - swatches

Today I went to take a look at the stand in Essence 'OVS in my town to see if the collection had already gone "I love Berlin" ... I already know that the recess of eyeshadows in this collection is will be snapped up (3.99 €). It was still exposed to the stand of the collection "Metallics" which of course had already been looted!
So, just to not go home empty-handed (like you do not buy something Essence seen the prices and there are nice things!?) I had a look at silky touch blush (€ 2.99) and eye shadow (1.99 €) and these are the ones I got:

No. 10 adorable, n ° 30 en secret-girl, No. 40 natural beauty

natural beauty # 40, # 30 secret it-girl, n ° 10 adorable
con flash

n°34 love that grey! (Shimmer effect)
n°32 jazzed up (shimmer effect)
n°21 colour splash   (matt effect)
luce naturale

n°21 colour splash   (matt effect)
n°32 jazzed up (shimmer effect)
n°34 love that grey!(Shimmer effect)
con flash



all I have a slight blush satiny . Are not at all able to describe colors well but I try: "adorable" is a delicate pink, "secret it-girl" is an apricot and "natural beauty" is a natural color with warm tones and is my favorite.
Per quanto riguarda gli ombretti l'unico che non mi convince del tutto è "colour splash" che rispetto agli altri due è meno pigmentato e un pò più polveroso.
Comunque per 1,99 euro questi ombretti svolgono egregiamente il loro lavoro!
Anche per voi Essence è diventata una mania??

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dry Scaly Skin And Forehead


Lo step fondamentale nel mio trucco quotidiano è la base! Se sono di fretta posso anche evitare il makeup degli occhi, ma essendo sprovvista di una pelle perfetta, per sentirmi presentabile fondotinta, correttore, cipria e blush sono irrinunciabili!

Il Revlon Colorstay è una recente scoperta,   viene prodotto in due versioni, una per pelli miste-grasse e una per pelli normali-secche.
Dopo averne sentito parlare a lungo ho deciso di provarlo optando per la formula combination-oily e mi trovo molto bene!
Ha delle caratteristiche che io prediligo in un fondotinta cioè ottima coprenza, durata, niente effetto maschera.

Ma vediamo più in particolare quelli che secondo me sono i pregi e i difetti di questo fondotinta!

  • Il colorstay è un fondotinta molto liquido, dalla consistenza scorrevole e morbido all’applicazione;
  • è sufficiente una quantità ridotta di prodotto per coprire l’intero viso. Se si desidera una maggiore coprenza in certi punti si può fare un'altra passata ma E’ importante non esagerare per avere un effetto naturale. Io preferisco stenderlo con un pennello a setole miste (tipo il 187 di MAC) in quanto mi permette di creare uno strato sottile di fondo e di coprire il viso velocemente;
  • has a good coverage and with a little 'correction in addition to get a result that satisfies me a lot;
  • the finish is dull but not too much. Many foundation courses remain opaque and dull in the face while maintaining a very slight brightness Colorstay;
  • once laid it down in minutes by adhering to the skin and remain flawless throughout the day. I tend to become shiny T zone, and then do a half-day incli with a tissue and powder;
  • the color does not fade, it turns and moves.
  • The lighter color is available in Italy on 180 sand beige, which saw my pale winter is too dark and a little 'pink for my complexion! However, I solved the problem by mixing white with a foundation (of which I will review!) In order to get as close as possible to my skin tone. The result is not perfect but I would say acceptable!
  • the bottle dispenser is not provided and thus to each use is a risk of wasting the product. I solved this problem by using the now empty container of a cream dispenser equipped! So do not throw away containers of cosmetics or creams ... they can always come in handy! ;-)
  • protection factor 6 is pretty ridiculous for people who are careful about these things!

The price is 20 € for 30 ml of the product, and considering that the foundation of high perfumery travel on 30-40 €, I think abbordabile figure.

Cheeks Swollen After Tooth Filling

Angels on all fours ..... our animal friends

Amicizia ed Amore sono le uniche cose che i nostri Angeli Custodi a quatto zampe ci chiedono.

Nei momenti difficili sono sempre li, al nostro fianco, per rincuorarci.

La loro unica pretesa? Solo la nostra FELICITA' ! These Angels

for life, are always beside us, ready to fill with Festivities and when we return from work, when we are sick in bed and at any other time of day, THEIR can devote himself entirely to us ....
certainly have an animal involves the duties and sacrifices, such as finding a location for our holiday which accept our true friends, but what they give us no value and price ...
Above all you need to understand that animals are not objects that are in fashion, or toys for our children, who, when no longer needed or have become cumbersome, have be thrown away or abandoned, one of the most vile acts that we can accomplish.
So before you bring into your life one of these diamonds, think good, do your due consideration, but if you accept this challenge, you will be rewarded with a great love for all and asks nothing ....
While until now there has been talk of what our friends give us, unfortunately is now time to shed light on some Bestial ' all human, such as killing for fun and fights between animals, typical of a shame single animal breed: MAN .... So if you know
di tali osceni atti di inciviltà, fate sentire la vostra voce, fate tacere la vostra coscienza e denunciate tutto alle autorità, affinchè questi barbari siano solo un ricordo nelle nostre menti.

La piccola gioia ritratta nella foto si chiama Camilla, e da ben otto anni si occupa e preoccupa della felicità della mia famigliola......... grazie di tutto cara Camilla ....


Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Is Dog Lip Growth

Luca Sanna, Alpine bearer of peace, killed by a cowardly attack.

Un altro figlio della nostra Italia, è stato ucciso in Afghanistan, da un infiltrato nell'esercito afgano.

Mentre le alte sfere discutono se e come continuare questa " Missione di Pace ", la Alpine family of our fallen into the despair of having lost her beloved husband, son, uncle and cousin.

Italian victims in Afghanistan are now 37, are all guys that are proud to wear the uniform and for the sake of peace were killed and tortured in a faraway land.

natural thought would like to express its condolences to the families of our victims all these, though aware that this closeness is not going to restore their loved ones, but wants to be a simple act not to forget and not be forgotten.

Goodbye dear Luca.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lighthouse Resort On Fence Lake In Wisconsin

Black Tide invades the beautiful Sardinia

Another environmental disaster hits the now helpless Mediterranean Sea.

Le meravigliose coste sarde vengono minacciate da oltre 10.000 litri di un imprecisato olio nero.

Nella rincorsa alla globalizzazione ora anche l'Italia può affermare a buon diritto di avere la sua patriottica Marea Nera.
Ecco come viene trattato il bene più prezioso del pianeta terra: durante delle operazioni di scarico, a causa di un incidente, sono state sversate migliaia di litri di Olio Nero che, lentamente ed inesorabilmente, stanno distruggendo la fauna e la flora di quel Paradiso chiamato Sardegna, e tutto ciò nel più assoluto silenzio dei Media Nazionali, forse più interessati alla teleidiozia dei troni e dei Reality.
L'incidente ha provocato l'interdizione delle spiagge di PORTO TORRES and PLATAMONA , very close to Asinara National Park, and is certainly not comforting to learn that even the ' ENI would establish its own in Porto Torres IL PIU 'GRANDE DEPOSIT OF COASTAL OIL ....... Obviously
learned from reading news articles, we learn that the small environmental assistance have moved According to the Italian system, ie, with a firm and constant SLOW .... A treasure

environmental and tourism as Sardinia think MERITS RESPECT !!!!!
as every drop of water or remote corner of our beautiful country , where history, tradition, culture, monuments and environmental attractions make us unique in the world, yet what do we do??
destroy everything, always and only for what it is in reality the only God, recognized by all the god of money!
While everyone is looking for new environmentally sustainable forms of energy, still traveling on the seas of ships loaded with oil and its derivatives that the slightest incident created ONLY ONLY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTERS , and so in this jumble MALEODORANTE , noi Italiani pensiamo di TORNARE AD UNA ENERGIA MORTALE E TUMORALE COME IL NUCLEARE ,  ma ora mi domando:" E se l'incidente fosse accaduto ad una Centrale Nucleare??" Tutti parlano di sicurezza, ma poi a ben vedere il disastro ci scappa sempre, altro che pubblicità:" IL NUCLEARE PUO' ESSERE UNA OCCASIONE PER I TUMORI E PER L'AUTODISTRUZIONE "....

Chiedo scusa per questa divagazione, ma l'ambiente è seriamente a rischio, incalzato e frustrato dai nostri scellerati comportamenti, è ora di una nuova STORIA, VINCENTE E AMBIENTALISTA , anche perchè for now in the world are dropping thousands of defenseless birds, but will soon happen to HUMAN RACE.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Casio Portable Tv Digital Tuner

Greetings Simon Sinoner

A promising young Italian Ski dies at age 17 in Germany, which was hit, apparently by a form of meningitis.

many dreams, desires and innocent love torn by a terrible disease, merciless, came out hitting the sweet smile of a young girl.

Many times the silence is worth a thousand words thrown into the wind, and thought little of this space we want to express their closeness SENONER the Family at this sad time in their lives, and thinking that if you can cheer their daughter on the ground was a ski champion, but is now a sweet angel from heaven ......

Addio Simona .....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When Do Tv Prices Drop Superbowl 2010

Prix award at Sunshine Natural

Even in this small area of \u200b\u200bThought has been awarded the Sunshine Award, to be sure its value is purely symbolic, but for me it's still a great satisfaction that goes beyond the concept of premium ....

But there is a real truth and positive about this Award, that is: this prize, like a chain letter, it is now thought to Nature thanks to a person they are linked by more than 15 years of friendship, 'Friendship, despite distance work and family continues to be a pearl of which I am truly proud ......

Now according to tradition I find other blogs to be awarded by inserting the reasons for which they were chosen, but I believe that everyone deserves a prize for criticism, both for the important ones, in recognition of their work, and whether you are the first weapons such as encouragement. Therefore, going by the rules, I share this award with Sunshine all the writers of the blogosphere .....