lipid stromal dystrophy.

are opacity 'crystal affecting the central ring or elongated, usually bilateral are not vascularized. They are the expression of a deposit of cholesterol and phospholipids. The etiology and
'dysmetabolism a lipid with a family that has bred with a stroma keratocytes (corneal cells) altered in their metabolism. Often the blood test does not reveal high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. The owner does not realize it 'cause over the opacity' it has no redness or pain.
therapy but there is a diet that regulates the metabolism of fats in the blood and 'important' cause these dogs often have to limit levels of cholesterol for a metabolic alteration.
The eye is kept hydrated with oils, the use of antioxidants and vitamins to improve the overall status and activity 'cell of the cornea
In Chinese medicine in the eye and close relationship with the liver function is therefore important to check the' liver and a controlled diet.
are more predisposed breeds: Airedale, Beagle, Border Collie, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky, Yorkshire, Barbone.
must differentiate these lesions, which are based on lipid infiltration with inflammatory corneal vascularization
The lipid infiltration recognize an inflammatory process due to trauma, inflammation of the eye, tearing altered. On the cornea so altered lipids are deposited as opacity 'whitish
from localized to diffuse across the cornea that can be removed by superficial keratectomy (by removing the superficial layer of the cornea)
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