Prolapse third eyelid gland (A EYE CHERRY) DOG
hyperplasia / hypertrophy of the gland menbrana nittidante and 'the result of inversion gland located behind the base of the cartilage due to laxity 'of connective tissue that holds the gland and cartilage to periorbita.

E 'rare in cats but common in dogs 3-6 months of age'.
breeds more 'affected are: American Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Bulldog, Neapolitan Mastiff, Shar Pei
The procedure used to correct the prolapse of the gland is called a "pocket technique". In this procedure, the gland is pushed back into a small pocket on the back surface of the third palpebra.Le two incisions are closed with a running suture, leaving both ends open '

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