Monday, March 14, 2011

How Much Do Maggie Sottero's Cost


Venerdì 18 marzo alle ore 18 al Museo Civico di Storia naturale “S.Zenari di Pordenone in Via della Motta , sarà inaugurata la mostra “Natura in città - Parchi urbani di Pordenone “.

Ingresso gratuito. Orario da lunedì a venerdì 15.30 - 19.30 sabato e domenica 10.00 - 20.00 Le scolaresche possono accedere al Museo al mattino previo appuntamento Contatto telefonico: 0434 392950 ;

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Place To Buy Vases Wholesale

Japanese Apocalypse ...... The devastation strikes on Japan, now nuclear risk

A 'whole nation shocked by the power of nature.

At last count there were over 10,000 victims.

High is the risk of nuclear disaster.

A terrible humanitarian disaster has struck on Japan devastated by an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 after a few minutes and devastated by a tsunami with waves over 10 meters, which brought death and devastation.
Thousands of victims, orphans, emergency health-threatening epidemics, rationing and shortages of food and water, all this is now on the agenda in Japan, but there is a dark threat looming on the population, this terrible threat is NUCLEAR.
In fact, following the various information you are aware of explosions and failures in the systems of nuclear power, with its Gas leaks of radiation and contaminated, and, according to sources, would have at least nine people have been exposed to radiation.

natural thought expresses its solidarity and its proximity to people affected by this terrible disaster, and to thank all the people and charities that the shadows and out of the limelight, are conducting rescue operations, and help in securing the civilian population.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Imagine Bar In Punta Cana


I bought this from a little 'and has become one of my favorite blush.
Before this I had never felt or cream blush stick, but as the first experience was a success.
Accentuating Color Stick exists in different colors, I chose the color peach flush S2 which is a pink peach gold sbrillini with small, almost imperceptible. 2 more colors, glistening flush and flush champagne, which are used as illuminating as it is very light blush.
Le altre 3 colorazioni ( rosy flush , rouge flush , bronze flush ) sono ugualmente belle e intense. Trattandosi di prodotti dalla consistenza cremosa possono essere modulati molto facilmente per cui si può partire con l’applicazione di una piccola quantità per poi eventualmente “caricare” il colore. La confezione è molto carina, satinata, con i bordi arrotondati e funziona con lo stesso meccanismo di un rossetto, quindi ruotando la parte inferiore fuoriesce lo stick. La quantità di prodotto contenuta è di 10 gr.
Per quanto riguarda l’applicazione, io ho provato ad utilizzare sia un pennello (nello specifico il duo fibre della Sigma), sia le dita e devo dire che preferisco questa seconda modalità. Passo direttamente un dito sulla superficie del prodotto per poi picchiettarlo sulle guance. In questo modo il calore della pelle favorisce la stesura.

S2 Peach flush swatch

S2 Peach flush swatch sfumato
light application

  • has a nice packaging, because the eye wants its part!;
  • contains Hydro Wrap Vitalizing DE, a hydrating ingredient prolonged
  • is easily sfumabile;
  • gives a nice brightness to the face and a colorful "healthy"
  • once fixed remains all day
  • the feeling passing his hand on the cheek is soft and not sticky;
  • is an alternative to the usual powder blush;
  • find it convenient to carry in your bag for a last-minute touch-up (I recommend in this case must remember to clean your hands before use, is enough to have the sanitizing wipes with you);
  • is definitely one of those things that will not fail in my beauty of the holidays.

I dislike:

The price of this gingillino is less than 27 €!
would be interesting to try one of the two illuminating maybe in the summer with a tan, but for now I'll settle for having one.