I state that my nails are not anything special, I have long fingers then I would always rather short and rounded.
However when I start I have time and commitment (... and should!) My manicure includes these steps:
STEP 1: silt nails
2 ° STEP : Use a file to the longer sides for cleaning and polishing the nail surface
3 ° STEP : Massage cuticles with a suitable product (now I'm using the Burt's Bees lemon butter cuticle cream you can Sephora to find) and then with a wooden stick gently push back cuticles.
Essence 4in1 file, rosewood sticks Essence, Burt's Bees lemon butter cuticle cream |
Burt's Bees lemon butter cuticle cream |
4 ° STEP: The step Mavala Scientifique against the crumbling of the nail. In recent weeks, not just because I put some nail polish my nails tend to have this problem so I decided to let them breathe a little! The Mavala Scientifique is a specific product that hardens the edge of the nail preventing it from flaking.
6° STEP : faccio due passate di smalto
7° STEP : passo il top coat, Revlon Extra life no chip top coat , che permette di correggere eventuali piccole imperfezioni nella stesura dello smalto e di prolungarne la durata.
Oggi ho messo lo smalto Essence desert fox che era uscito con la collezione “into the wild”. Somiglia moltissimo nel colore all’ormai famoso Chanel 505 particuliere che is slightly darker, but very different in price: 20 € Chanel, Essence 1.99 €!
In pictures you can still see some smear on the very edge of the nail enamel, once the enamel has dried completely put your hands in warm water for a few seconds and come off easily.
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