Friday, December 10, 2010

Sayings For Sesame Street Invitations

players' strike?? Here's why ....

All Sports with bated breath, as they will never be without a day of pure calcium? What

essential rights of life push the players to act so dramatic?

this will also be a backlash of the crisis gripping the world?

discover together those notorious 8 points of conflict between the League and The Football Association of Italian players:

1) the first point of discussion concerns the flexible contracts .... short compared to the shame of many so-called Contract for Project REAL LAVOARTORI ITALIAN ;

2) Professionalism: the league the player must take only the player, the 'AIC states that are free, however, when the players can do other professions .... I do not understand between workouts, games and television commercials (always well paid), what else should be doing ..... maybe play betting ....;

3) Behavior : for the league players must have impeccable behavior even in private life, per l'AIC invece nel tempo libero possono fare quello che vogliono.... tipo Ubriacarsi , fare Festini con tante belle donne e poi il giorno dopo rinvigoriti dalle loro notti brave boccheggiare sul campo come tante Trote fuor d'acqua ;

4) Le Terapie : la lega afferma che devono essere circoscritte al Club, loro invece pretendono di scegliere   da chi farsi curare.... tipo Massaggiatrici Orientali ;

5) Sanzioni : L’Aic wants to have a free hand to the penalties to their players, freeing it from the assignment (currently does not exceed 30% of salary ).... poor people and who pays??

6) presiding arbitrator : must be chosen by lottery internal AICA .... ummm referees become our thing! ;

7) for the league a coach can coach a team into two groups, the AIC players must all be united instead .... Here I have nothing to say or a run or runs 100 after a ball: I will not look much more time ;

8) Transfers: To the League a player can not refuse to transfer to a club of the same level as that in which it and that currently provides the same salary, if his club membership is granted for the sale of the card. In case of refusal, the contract is automatically terminated with a fine to be paid by the player who accounts for 50% of his salary. The AIC is totally opposed to this initiative ..... Poor things but may not know that there are Precarious Professors Calabresi and teach that to work (I hope for their big word comprensibile ) attraversano l'Italia come delle trottole .

Dopo l'analisi di questi famigerati 8 punti dal cuore mi nasce una sola parola: " VERGOGNATEVI ", dall'alto delle vostre MONTAGNE DI SOLDI dovete solo Vergognarvi, qui in Italia, nel nostro e vostro Paese, ci sono disoccupati, precari, cassaintegrati e licenziati .... e voi cosa volete??? Quello che uno di voi guadagna in un mese un Vero Lavoratore se lo suda in 20 anni di fabbrica...... Riflettete gente....


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