Sunday, October 31, 2010

Congratulations Messages For Pregnancy

Recurrence of November 2

loved ones who are no longer 'with us.

We are stuck in front of a cold slab, looking for a sign, perhaps a thought or something. In the mind
travel memories of the past, the good times we had together and perhaps even misunderstanding, but because of the great love that was there we are here to pray, hope and a few tears on our faces and hurts our hearts.
We would like to speak loudly, but the fear that other people hear what we say we close the mouth, the words are too intimate, personal, and then we cry in our mind, repeatedly and over again.
But all is silent.
Applications hammering our brains, about life and its aspects, we think that it's all a scam, you fight, you fight and then in the end??
The only question that remains fixed, and permanent is mysterious, "I wonder what comes after death?", No one knows, but the hope is that there is something like a small light that comes into our heart, perhaps just this little light and it reassures us.

But for now there is only one truth is that life and time is moving fast, and if we were true friends, brothers and parents, only then people will remember us, and those memories we will continue to live in the minds and hearts of those who loved him.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Will My Epson Ex70 3d

Nicolino's Dream (Part Two)

 Così mentre viaggiavo verso la libertà, custodito dal paffuto ferroviere, mi addormentai come un bambino e ad essere sincero, dopo tanto tempo, quello per me fu un dolce dormire.
Non mi resi nemmeno conto per quanto tempo durò il viaggio, ricordo soltanto lo scorrere dei paesaggi illuminati dal sole, era tutto bellissimo, sembrava tutto un sogno incredibile.
Ma non mi dovevo distrarre, non dovevo dimenticare che ero un uomo in fuga, tornare in Italia dalla mia famiglia.....
In quei pochi momenti di lucidità, la mia attenzione si soffermò sul ferroviere, mi feci molte domande, e, soprattutto, perchè mai mi stesse aiutando, a rischio della sua stessa vita.
Forse un angelo sceso dal cielo per aiutarmi, per illuminarmi la via della salvezza, ma non chiesi nulla, forse per paura che si rovinasse l'incanto di quell'incontro.
Alla fine il treno raggiunse la sua meta, era notte fonda, il ferroviere mi fece segno di stare zitto, si affaccio e salutò il capo stazione, si parlarono pochi minuti, poi il capo stazione continuò il suo giro di controllo.
Il ferroviere, mi guardava con aria pensierosa, certamente si domandava cosa fare di me adesso, ed io ne ero consapevole, ero nelle sue mani; così, mentre ero assorto nei miei pensieri, vidi d'improvviso il faccione del ferroviere illuminarsi ed accennare un piccolo sorriso, ecco, pensai, has come up with something for me, please let it be the right thing.
waited in silence for a 'Oretta, and, after checking that there is not any, off the train and quickly walked out of the station along the tracks, we turned to a path, and from there we walked for a couple of miles until you reach a small country, and quickening his pace until we stopped in front of a building, they went into the small apartment. It was his home.
opened the wife was surprised that my presence, but she, like her husband, said nothing, stared at me and then he made me enter, and after several minutes of silence they began whispering to each other, then she made me sign to follow her, took some clothes from a closet and took me to a small bathroom, pointed to the bathtub and closed the door behind him.
That was the most beautiful bathroom in my life.
I hid for a couple of days, until Elmutt and Marie, so they said his name was, I waved as they sit on the ground, here Elmutt, in perfect Italian, I explained how we acted.
Around midnight we went home and we walked the countryside, until we reached a large open space lined by the tracks where the dead were still some cars, the soqquatto we approached, he opened a wagon made me go up, gave me an old Clock, opened a small trap door, and said, " Nicola, tomorrow morning this will be attached to a train carriage that will bring me here, where are you will be deposited the goods, will be 13.00 when I slow down and you in that moment you'll have to throw the train, from there you are about 10 km from the border with Italy, "I interrupted him, asking him why he helped me.
I stared, his eyes became glassy, \u200b\u200bthe tears began to ply his face, looked down and said, "The goddamn killed my son Maxim, are just killers."
He recovered looked up, closing the door said, "Goodbye my son, "were his last words.
The next day everything went according to plan, jumped from the train, hid under a tree, waiting for the night, 'Italy was now one step away, but now that I was the finish line, lightning struck my brain, the Germans were still there? Once in Italy where I was?
But now it did not matter, I had to reach my Rome, and if I die, I wanted to die there, in my city !
then came the evening, I took a long sigh, I got up and started walking, everything was quiet, it was a beautiful night, the sky was the setting for a beautiful picture, but my journey was to continue until the freedom or death.
I reached the border, I passed him and walked on through the night, around dawn I hid in a small wood and remained there all day, at night, again, went back to my journey into the unknown.
dawn was beginning to emerge again, now I had to find a new hiding place to wait for the evening and especially sleep, I saw a small cave in the rocks, I went looking for the deepest point, but I was surprised the cave was full of hidden weapons , it certainly was the armory of some partisan group, I looked at those arms, instinct drove me to armarmi, took a revolver looked at him, but I did not dare to keep him and threw him to the ground. After
pochi  minuti uscii da quella grotta, era meglio trovare un nuovo rifugio al più presto, camminai un'altra oretta, non trovai di meglio che gettarmi in un piccolo fosso tra le canne di un lago, e tra il gracidare delle rane mi addormentai.
Di colpo mi svegliai, mi sentivo come osservato, quand'ecco tra le canne uscire una sagoma scura venirmi incontro, mi dissi che era arrivato il mio momento, ma, quando il torpore del sonno svanì, vidi di fronte a me un prete cattolico, mi guardò negli occhi e poi prese a parlare, ma le sue parole sembravano lontane, incomprensibili, poi svenni.
Quando mi ripresi,  ero in un morbido letto, il prete era li che mi accudiva, quando si accorse che mi ero svegliato mi disse:" Tranquillo ragazzo, hai un po di febbre, ma niente di grave", lo guardavo perplesso poi caddi di nuovo in un sonno profondo.
Quando ripresi le forze il prete si presentò come don Francesco e mi chiese chi ero io.
 "Sono un ebreo, mi chiamo Nicolino, e sono fuggito da un campo di concentramento", dissi a bassa voce.
Don Francesco mi rincuorò, mi disse di stare tranquillo e che anche  lui avrebbe fatto la sua parte, e così fece.
 Mi fece indossare un suo abito talare, poi mi portò in una cantina sottostante la chiesa, e li rimasi per una qindicina di giorni, durante i quali mi insegnò i fondamenti del cattolicesimo, poi convinto che io potessi recitare bene la mia parte, mi presentò alla sua comunità come Don Marco.
Rimasi fermo per qualche mese finchè la guerra finalmente finì ed i nazisti erano stati sconfitti, ora non c'erano piu ostacoli, potevo riprendere il mio viaggio verso casa.
Don francesco organizzò il mio rientro a Roma: treno e poi pulman per giungere alla ROMA DEPREDATA, tornai sotto casa mia, vidi le mie sorelle venirmi incontro  ci abbracciammo piangendo.
Salimmo a casa, e li vidi i miei genitori, che increduli, accorsero verso di me piangendo dalla gioia di rivedere un figlio ormai creduto morto.
Now the years have passed, the memory is fleeting, but the number tattooed on my arm is' always there but in the other arm is clearly visible on my name, that I tattoo the following years after the war, because

I am not the number tattooed on my arm,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Samsung Dynaflat Quit Working

Nicolino's Dream (Part One)

are at the table with my family: no mention, there is a sad, dinner is very poor, his thoughts fly to our friends that there are more, hoping that their fate will not touch us, every sip of soup has a ton on stomach, every little noise makes us tremble, the tears of our women are like knives that pierce the heart.
But what to do? Escape? So what? Get help? Who? And if we complain?
Victims of our own destiny, have a thousand questions and they have no answer, floating on a river hoping not to sink.
The memories of the past crowd the mind, when we were happy, playing with other boys, went to school and to our well-being, disappeared overnight, and with what crime? To be JEWS!
It 's hard reality, but unfortunately this is, now there are no dreams, only nightmares.
We just finished dinner, and without a word, without noise, let's all go in the bedroom, now equipped with a dormitory with eight beds in a few feet, a side by side, trying to warm each other, but few are sleeping, fear dominates the minds, particularly the fear of be taken at night, around two eyes finally close, were the last hours of sleep at home with my family.
Suddenly, we heard loud noises, we woke up everybody, somebody violently pounded on the door, we looked at all, knowing that the door of the door had made THE BEGINNING OF THE END.
The eldest of us, got up and knocked down before, opened the door ..... and so it went wide in front of the mouths of hell, pronte per inghiottirci.
Una decina di gendarmi con le armi spianate, entrarono dentro casa, ci sbatterono tutti contro il muro, mentre il loro ufficiale ci scrutò uno ad uno, poi diede degli ordini in tedesco, che i gendarmi subito eseguirono, presero me ed il più anziano, ci fecero salire su un camioncino militare, l'unica cosa che ricordo bene di quella sera erano gli occhi della mia famiglia che mi guardavano fissi mentre mi portavano via.
Il vecchio mi guardò per un pò, poi disse: " Ragazzo stai tranquillo, sei di buona costituzione, e quindi andrai in un campo a lavorare "; ma nulla disse sulla sua sorte, forse già la immaginava, ma non disse nulla.
Dopo qualche chilometro la camionetta stopped, they get old, it slammed ashore near other people, and then we drove away, I saw nothing, but that followed the firing of machine guns echoed in the air up to me ......" Go in peace Elder brother, "I thought this.
As the sun rose we arrived at the station, here made me get on a freight car, along with hundreds of men and women, herded, some crying, some screaming and dumb people like me who was resigned to the fate that awaited us.
We spent a whole day's journey, and they reached their destination, loaded us into trucks escorted up to our new home: The concentration camp.
months now I begin to pass all uguali, la debolezza comincia a farsi sentire, i pidocchi ci appestano e i più deboli cominciano a morire; schiavi destinati alla morte, non v'è via di uscita, chi tenta la fuga muore o di stenti o fucilato, e proprio su questo pensiero mi soffermo, comincio a pensare che la morte è il mio destino più prossimo, quindi la fuga che porta alla morte è la via più facile per lasciare questo inferno.
Nel pieno della notte, mi alzo, faccio due preghiere, pensando che tra poco tutto finirà, mi sfugge un amaro sorriso, IO NON SONO IL NUMERO TATUATO SUL MIO BRACCIO, IO SONO NICOLINO.
Esco di soppiatto, attendo il passagio della guardia, la prendo alle spalle, gli attappo la bocca con la mano, e con l'altra gli tiro il collo da un lato, l'ho UCCISO, lo guardo inerme a terra, sento pena, ma non ho tempo per pensare, devo fuggire.
Incredibilmente non vengo notato, e nell'ombra riesco a nascondermi su un camion carico di merci, aveva il motore acceso, quindi stava per uscire dal campo, e cosi fù.
Dopo qualche minuto uscimmo dal campo, e così iniziò la mia fuga.
Dopo qualche ora intravidi una piccola stazione dove era fermo un treno, saltai dal camion e raggiunsi il treno, in questi mesi di detenzione appresi un pò di tedesco, e così lessi che il treno era diretto in una cittadina dell'Austria, la fortuna mi guardava benevola pensai.
Saltai su un vagone che trasportava oxen, ranicchiai me in the darkest corner and remained there until the train started, I do not remember how long it traveled, but eventually the train reached its destination, now a new question: "what to do?".
As I reflected, the door opened and I found myself in front of a railroad chubby I looked puzzled, then without a word beckoned me to follow him, I said only ITALY, he looked at me again, but said nothing.
We came close to another train, made me climb into the cockpit and I hid them, then let me know that this train would arrive on the border with Italy, then we will see.
Thanks so much friend. Even this train
alla fine partì, ringraziai Dio, e stanco presi sonno.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop Cannot Connect To Server

and there was light (Chilean miners)

Dalle viscere della terra sorge la vita.

Una seconda rinascita per 33 minatori.

 Terminata un'odissea.....ora tutti a casa.

Per circa due mesi, trentatre minatori cileni sono rimasti prigionieri  nella miniera in cui lavoravano, ed ecco che, con l'arrivo dei soccorsi, le immancabili telecamere hanno trasformato  una tragedia in un nuovo reality show.
Ma ora è tutto finito, i minatori sono salvi, grazie alle nuove tecnologie, commitment of an entire country and to the prayers of Obama ......
And just when the event ends the reasoning, shaken by emotion, resumed self-awareness, they begin to emerge early reflections and questions.
course, gleaning here and there among the myriad of news affecting the claims of the writer Luis SEPULVEDA , which, in the cold, is the true cornerstone of the story, namely the LACK OF STANDARDS SECURITY.
In the world there are millions of people working at the limit of their life, even in our much loved and civil ITALY, unfortunately, even here, Each year, many workers die in accidents in the workplace, both in factories and on construction sites.
The work is sacrosanct, is a right, but must be conducted in full compliance with the rules, without negligence, omission, because LIFE AND 'SACRED , is an irreplaceable asset, although many corporations see their employees as slaves, and therefore expendable.
Sure, maybe not here in Europe but in Africa for example? Now reduced to a sieve of mines and deposits, as the rules are there to protect the worker??
Unfortunately, the truth is, we should not pretend not to see, to hide, or worse, just look at our interests ..... miners working in the dark tunnel in search of gold, silver and diamonds, but why? Why you have to give a nice BRILLOCCO to your girlfriend?
is certainly a populist statement, do not deny it, but it's part of reality! And we
Italian? We must not forget our history, because we too have been MINERS AND VICTIMS , where? how? when?

Monongah Disaster of 1907 ..........
Dawson Disaster of 1913 ..........
Marcinelle Disaster of 1956 .........

But now the most important thing is that this ugly adventure is over, and that the thirty-three miners were able to see the light and embrace their family .... ..

Welcome home !!!!!