Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kinesio Tape For Bunions

ABETONE: Downhill



.... pure adrenaline!

Dall ' Abetone you go on with the' Ovovia to Rifugio Monte elbow and then he jumps down the ski slopes or steep and challenging, but well-marked paths.

We're talking Abetone Ovovia Gravity Park ( www.abetoneovovia.it/gravity_park . htm ) Come dicevo, sentieri lunghi, belli e veloci e allo stesso tempo tecnici (da non darlgli troppa confidenza e fare molta attenzione).

Risalite rapide con l'Ovovia, 15 euro per quante volte te la senti di farle, non le risalite, ma le discese; roba che dopo la quarta, quinta, se non sei mooolto allenato, sei veramente stanco ed è il momento di fare attenzione, perche la voglia è tanta...

Se hai la bici adatta di tuo puoi portarla, altrimenti ti danno tutto loro: bici da freeride, o da downhill, caschi integrali, guards and all that is needed. Spending rises at the end, but the fun is all that and it's worth it.

we start, we made two simple paths (sic!), Those who come down the ski slopes, then we emboldened and we came down paths that enter the forest, bordering trees and slopes with very demanding.

I must say that I sweat almost as much as going uphill and in some places, frankly, I got off the bike and walked.

All'Ovovia front, at the bottom of the slopes, there is also a patch prepared with artificial jumps of varying degrees of difficulty. For those who feel like it, there will be spoiled for choice.

only drawback: the next day pain in the legs that will not tell you ... even after a marathon.

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